What’s in the News

Under Fire – Your Natural Health Freedoms

Published July 28th, 2011

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD

On July 1, 2011, the US Food and Drug Administration issued draft guidance for complying with the New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) notification protocols required by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). This action will turn a notification system into an approval system – JUST LIKE DRUGS.

The current [...]

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Woe to Walnuts

Published July 28th, 2011

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD, CHN, BCIH, CNC, CNW, CNH

The walnut is one of the special foods that have caught the attention of the FDA. I had hoped it was because of its shape resembling that of the human brain, but alas I was wrong.

Walnuts have joined the exclusive group of foods including [...]

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Melatonin Inhibits a Process that Leads to Colitis in Animal Study

Published June 8th, 2008

Melatonin Inhibits a Process that Leads to Colitis in Animal Study

VRP Staff
Breaking News

In an animal study published in the Journal of Pineal Research, melatonin inhibited enzymes known as matrix metalloproteinases, thought to be involved in the development of colitis due to their ability to break down proteins such as collagen.

Matrix [...]

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Resveratrol and Quercetin May Play Role in Weight Management

Published June 6th, 2008

Resveratrol and Quercetin May Play Role in Weight Management

A new in vitro study indicates that resveratrol and quercetin inhibit fat accumulation in adipocytes (fat cells).

Certain flavonoids have specific effects on biochemical and metabolic functions of fat cells. Therefore, in a cell culture study, researchers investigated the effects of the flavonoids resveratrol and quercetin [...]

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