Dietary Counseling and Consultations

Children's Health

Dietary Guidelines for Children with ADD/ADHD

Published February 17th, 2008 in Children's Health

Dietary Guidelines for Children with ADD/ADHD

Linda Rector Page N.D. Ph.D.

New research is supporting diet/behavior connection in children. (Adults, too, for that matter.)

According to the current issue of *Total Health Magazine*, nutritional factors such as food sensitivities/allergies and fatty acid deficiencies have all been linked to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

Here are some of the causes of ADD and ADHD: Mineral and EFA (essential fatty acid) deficiencies from too many refined junk foods; food allergies to corn, wheat and additives; prostoglandin imbalance; hypoglycemia; heavy metal (especially lead) poisoning causing excess amonia waste in the brain; prescription drugs that block EFA conversion in the brain.

As more studies and information become available, I’ll let you know.

But you can start NOW and change your children’s diet. Improvement is almost immediate — generally within 2 to 3 weeks. It certainly will get the kids off to a great start this school year.

I understand it is difficult to control what kids eat. In this day and age, it is near impossible. Most important is starting the day with full nutrition. And I don’t mean fortified nutrition. Forget the sugar cereals, please.

Try the Isagenix new childrens meal replacement shake mix. It is delicious and contains supreme, full nutrition for kids to help nourish the brain and body. (Long term brain nourishment can help straighten out even grave mental, emotional or coordination problems.)

It only takes about 20 seconds to prepare, and kids love starting the day with a cookies and creamy yummy shake. Every morning. Watch the difference. Let me know. (I have a friend who makes ice cream with the shake mix: Just use about 4 ounces of cold water, 4 ounces of rice milk, 2 scoops of shake mix, and lots of ice in a blender until the right thickness.)

Isagenix even has a “kid friendly” blender so they can fix it themselves.

A green salad for lunch with tuna, turkey, or egg salad is a good choice.

Snacks should be fresh foods – fruits and vegetables.

Eliminate carbonated sugary sodas. Even artificially sweetened. Try organic juices with sparkling water on ice.

Kids should drink plenty of pure water.

Fresh air and exercise and lots of rest.

Remember that brain nutrition is for everyone. If you or someone you love experiences spaciness, lack of concentration, unexplained depression, gloominess and frequent bad moods, and an inability to remember well, improvement may be had with nutrition.

Ginseng also helps to curtail the release of the stress hormone cortisol. This helps to boost brain activity and supplyes plant estrogens known to help brain health.

