Dietary Counseling and Consultations

Minerals & Vitamins

Take Magnesium and Relax

Published August 11th, 2009 in Minerals & Vitamins

Take Magnesium and Relax

By Tammera J. Karr, MSHN, CNC, CNW, CNH  2009©

Magnesium has been called the most important mineral to man and all living organisms. It is critical to the metabolic process of one-celled organisms and is the second most abundant mineral found in human cells.
Magnesium has been called the most important mineral to man and all living organisms. It is critical to the metabolic process of one-celled organisms and is the second most abundant mineral found in human cells. Magnesium is involved with all aspects of cell production and growth. In both plants and animals magnesium is involved in hundreds of enzyme processes promoting life and health.Currently seventeen minerals are considered essential for human life, as with most minerals, magnesium naturally combines with other elements. By combining with sulfur magnesium makes Epsom salts, carbon makes magnesium carbonate, and with calcium to make dolomite. Like calcium, magnesium is alkalizing reducing acidosis (high acid).

Approximately 60% of the body’s total magnesium is concentrated in the bones, 20% is in muscles, and 20% is in soft tissues and the liver. Magnesium works inside our tissue cells, producing ATP energy for the body’s vital force and triggering the production of the body’s protein structures by producing DNA.

What does Magnesium do?

  1. Magnesium is a co-factor assisting enzymes in chemical reactions, including temperature regulation.
  2. Magnesium transports energy.
  3. Magnesium is necessary for the synthesis of protein.
  4. Magnesium transports nerve signals.
  5. Magnesium relaxes muscles.

Calcium and magnesium share importance in the body, neither can act without eliciting a reaction from the other and they are antagonistic towards one another. Enzymes whose activities depend on sufficient amounts of intracellular magnesium, will be detrimentally affected by small increases of cellular calcium. If too much calcium is present in the cellular tissue, cell division, growth and intermediary metabolism are adversely effected. Magnesium is what makes calcium dissolve in your body making it possible for your blood stream to pick magnesium up and transport it. If you are not getting adequate amounts of magnesium and you are supplementing with calcium, you may be increasing your risk factors for heart disease, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, dental cavities and kidney stones.

All muscles, including the heart and blood vessels are affected if magnesium is deficient; calcium floods the smooth muscle cells causing spasms and constricted blood flow. This can lead to high blood pressure, arterial spasms, angina and heart attack.

Supplemental magnesium should be taken at a different time of the day to supplementary calcium (as calcium prevents the absorption of magnesium if it is consumed in conjunction with magnesium).

The absorption of magnesium decreases rapidly when more than 200 mg is consumed at one time – it is therefore advisable to take magnesium supplements in divided doses during the day. Many of the therapeutic benefits associated with magnesium are optimized when magnesium is consumed as magnesium aspartate and combined with potassium aspartate.  The body should contain twice the amount of calcium as magnesium, i.e. the Calcium:Magnesium ratio is 2:1. High dietary levels of phosphorus (found in soda pop) inhibit the body’s absorption of magnesium. All processed foods and beverages are void of magnesium.

Poor digestion and low stomach acid can lead to magnesium deficiencies, as can stress, being elderly, arthritis, diabetes, gallbladder disease, osteoporosis, asthma, and depression. The nation’s number one over-the-counter drugs are antacids; heartburn and indigestion are the result of bad eating choices and taking acid reducers limits the amount of acid available for the digestion of essential minerals like magnesium. The taking of calcium carbonate antacids depletes our already deficient reserves of magnesium increasing the likelihood of insomnia, restless leg and chronic health challenges.

Health challenges that can benefit from optimum magnesium intake.

  • Anxiety & Panic attacks
  • Asthma
  • Blood clots
  • Bowel disease
  • Cystitis
  • Depression
  • Detoxification
  • Diabetes
  • Fatigue
  • Heart Disease
  • Hypertension
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Insomnia
  • Kidney Disease
  • Migraine
  • Musculoskeletal Conditions
  • Nerve health
  • Gynecological
  • Osteoporosis
  • Raynaud’s syndrome
  • Tooth decay

