Our Journey With Food – Cookery Book – 2nd Edition
First came Our Journey with Food, followed by Our Journey with Food Cookery Book, fully revised and expanded. OJWF Cookery Book takes the nutrition student and foodie deeper into food history, practicality, and adventure. Food connects the world while remaining unique to each person, time and culture. The authors believe that the most nourishing foods are ancestral, whole, seasonal, wild-harvested and organic; they looked to history for lost knowledge and guidance. There is something for everyone, from the American Indian Nations to the Indian continent and from homesteads to busy metropolitan townhouses.
Our Journey with Food Cookery Book 2nd edition is a rich compilation of culinary guidance from those with over 50 years of experience developing a sustainable kitchen and life. A fully inclusive food journey exploring how traditional harvesting, foraging, preparation and cooking practices propelled humanity to innovate and prosper. The authors invite you to enjoy 398 recipes, 224 citations, 147 historical references covering 150 years of culinary history and more.
“Tammera Karr perfectly captured this book’s essence in her poem Hidden Delights when she wrote, ‘It is connection and preservation of knowledge.’ That is precisely what they have created with this practical, relevant, and powerful book. These authors have done something incredible and created a resource that entertains, informs, and empowers all of us to get back into our kitchens, dust off our aprons, and prepare truly nourishing food for our families.”
–Bill Schindler, PhD
Author of Eat Like A Human, Speaker and Educator
Director of the Eastern Shore Food Lab and Executive Chef at Modern Stone Age Kitchen
“Tammera Karr’s book, Our Journey with Food-Cookery Book, fills the gaps in our heritage and knowledge of food. This book is a unique blend of science, history, anecdotes, photographs, and wonderful recipes that begin to close the gap in our food knowledge. The book is logically arranged, beginning with explaining the benefits of staples in the kitchen and how to prepare and safely store many foods for later use. All these will reduce the risk of nutrition-related diseases such as obesity, diabetes, stroke, auto-immunity, and many others. The book is carefully documented, in contrast to many books of this kind, done logically and without malice or fanaticism. It is not only a good read but an essential part of our food history and the evolution of who we are.”
–Janet Ludwig, PhD, MS
Biochemistry and Nutrition
Professor & Dean of Integrative Health and Nutrition,
American College of Healthcare Science