Our Journey With Food – 3rd Edition
Journey back into history to gain perspective on today’s challenges with food and diets. Our Journey with Food includes adventure, intrigue, and exploration with a touch of mystery flavor. How can a book about food possibly contain all that? Our Journey with Food 3rd Edition is crafted from a passion for empowering individuals to use Food as Medicine and live life with gusto. Tammera Karr and her esteemed Corps of Wellness Colleagues share their combined knowledge of history, gastronomy, science, medicine, and more to aid in charting a course for health and longevity with a sustainable Holistic NEW Lifestyle Paradigm.
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Our Journey With Food – Cookery Book – 2nd Edition
Our Journey with Food Cookery Book 2nd edition is a rich compilation of culinary guidance from those with over 50 years of experience developing a sustainable kitchen and life. A fully inclusive food journey exploring how traditional harvesting, foraging, preparation and cooking practices propelled humanity to innovate and prosper. The authors invite you to enjoy 398 recipes, 224 citations, 147 historical references covering 150 years of culinary history and more.
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Empty Plate
By Tammera Karr
Tammera Karr and Kathleen Bell show us how the foods we eat, the thoughts we think, and the sounds and colors that surround us affect our well-being. Based on clinical experience, research, personal reflection, and a passion for advancing healthcare perspectives, this book is a guide for nourishing mind, body, and spirit by integrating today’s rapidly changing landscape with nature’s wisdom.
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Our Journey with Food – Second Edition
By Tammera Karr
Our Journey with Food by Tammera J. Karr, PhD, chronicles the rapid rate of change in the food industry from the early 20th century to the present. Journey back into history to gain perspective on today’s challenges and insights on how to improve chronic health conditions. Learn about contemporary topics confronting natural health practitioners, including processed foods, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), microwaves and xenoestrogens. Discover the impact of chemicals on human biological systems and which real foods, vitamins and supplements can bring the body back into balance. Recipes, rare historical photos and highlights from North American pioneers to present-day experts enrich this lively and fascinating account of how we went from family farms to McDonald’s and beyond.
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Fine Foods for Fur Coats
By Tammera Karr
For many our pets are the children we didn’t have, these furry family members now have Insurance plans at their veterinarians, medications for chronic illnesses and special dietary needs – Just like their human family members do.
This book chronicles Tammera Karr’s search into what was the best way for their family pets to eat. As a Holistic Nutritionist she was sure that the growing number of cancers, and chronic illness increasing in number in pet populations was tied to their diet just like those of humans. Was She Right?
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No One Can Care More Than You
By Tammera Karr
FREE Download
In order to take back control of your health one must first be motivated to do so. In this Free downloadable edition Tammera highlights a few of those areas where changes must happen in order for any lasting health and lifestyle decisions to make a difference. No longer are we in a time of deprivation dieting to reach ideal weight. Today’s generations are struggling with more health challenges than previous generations, in part from faulty diet programs, ideas and the boomerang effects of deprivation and abdicating personal responsibility. Welcome to the first step in “Taking Back Your Health”.
Food and Nutrient Report
By Tammera Karr
$20.00 (For established clients only: contact Tammera)
Are you an existing client in need of the updated Food And Nutrient Report for Clients?
“Remember your health didn’t get to its current state overnight, so give yourself time to make each dietary and lifestyle change. I encourage you to select one or two areas to make changes in every two to four weeks. This places you in a position of control, not victim. This is only the beginning, and each day is a chance to take back control”.