Eat for Health

Our Elasticity and Adaptability Depend on More Than Food

Published March 27th, 2023

Except: Empty Plate: Food~Sustainability~Mindfulness By Tammera Karr and Kathleen Bell

In an equally real sense, researchers know that elasticity and adaptability during challenging events like pandemics, and life transitions; are a combination of how well-nourished the brain and body are — through mindful choices about nutrition and other behaviors. The conscious decisions to eat healthy [...]

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What Cookware Should I be Using?

Published February 24th, 2023

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD, BCHN, CDSP, CNW, CGP

Over the years, clients have asked many questions, but the questions on cookware safety seldom come up. It is generally the clinician interviewing the client that most frequently asks the question about what kind of cookware was in use. Now with the internet and social media, [...]

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Whole Grain and Seed Sourdough Bread

Published December 19th, 2022

by Tammera Karr

All ingredients are organic and sprouted for higher nutrition content. Company’s recommended: Montana Wheat and Bobs Red Mill. This recipe came from research and development of Tammera’s updated Our Journey with Food Cookery Book 2nd edition, 2022. The fermentation process and directions for making your own sourdough starter can be found on [...]

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A Personal Reflection on 2021

Published January 17th, 2022

by Tammera J Karr, PhD, BCHN, CNW

I have just come back into my toasty warm (thanks to my wood stove) home on a remote ranger station in the southern Cascades of Oregon. I have been shoveling snow, an enjoyable task that allows for aerobic exercise, thought, and fresh air. Today’s ideas began to crystalize [...]

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The Love of Chocolate

Published February 14th, 2021

Excerpt from Our Journey with Food ©2015, 2018 Revised 2/2021


By Tammera Karr PhD

The cacao tree, aptly named Theobroma cacao, by the famous botanist Carl Linnaeus. The cacao tree only grows within twenty degrees of the equator in the tropics’ damp conditions. Once mature, the tree will produce small, white flowers that can [...]

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Invasion of the Kitchen Gadgets

Published January 28th, 2021

By Tammera J Karr PhD


What are your must-have gizmos, gadget, tool, or appliance in your home or RV kitchen?

This question had come before me frequently of late and got me thinking about all the tools we have available today, designed for one form or another of food preparation. It is quite overwhelming [...]

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Get the Most from a Whole Chicken

Published January 5th, 2021

By Tammera J. Karr PhD, BCHN®


Chicken is, without a doubt, one of the most common protein sources sought out in the world today. It can be fresh from the yard to dipped and drizzled after a hot oil fry. We seek chicken out for sandwiches, salads, soup, and roasting.  Either everything is listed [...]

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Hope Fuels an Appreciation

Published December 30th, 2020

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD

We are within hours of what could be the end of the most devastating year of the 21st century. Interestingly these may be the same thoughts of those who passed through the 1918 Spanish Influenza or the black plague of the 14th century as the new year approached. With twenty-twenty [...]

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All About Sadie – adventures with a redheaded girl dog

Published September 3rd, 2020

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD

It has been a while since I have looked into the world of pet nutrition, so when I came across an article written by Michael Waxman titled “What’s your dog eating?”,  It caught my attention. I have been struggling with what to feed our girl dog, Sadie; she has put [...]

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Popcorn, the home movie fun food

Published June 20th, 2020

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD, BCHN, CNW, CGP

Before the advent of fast snack foods and giant box candies, we had a simple and dare I say, even beneficial snack food – popcorn. This week I read a report on Pepsi-Co launching two new fast service websites for home delivery of their Frito and Pepsi [...]

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