Minerals & Vitamins

The Love of Chocolate

Published February 14th, 2021

Excerpt from Our Journey with Food ©2015, 2018 Revised 2/2021


By Tammera Karr PhD

The cacao tree, aptly named Theobroma cacao, by the famous botanist Carl Linnaeus. The cacao tree only grows within twenty degrees of the equator in the tropics’ damp conditions. Once mature, the tree will produce small, white flowers that can [...]

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Get the Most from a Whole Chicken

Published January 5th, 2021

By Tammera J. Karr PhD, BCHN®


Chicken is, without a doubt, one of the most common protein sources sought out in the world today. It can be fresh from the yard to dipped and drizzled after a hot oil fry. We seek chicken out for sandwiches, salads, soup, and roasting.  Either everything is listed [...]

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Published June 4th, 2020

by Tammera J Karr, PhD, BCHN, CNW, CGP

So often we forget about the nutrients that have been around for decades. Zinc is one of those minerals that have a multifaceted nature.  Forty years ago the essential nature of zinc and human health was first reported in the Middle East. It is required for cellular [...]

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The Power of Vitamin C & Essential Oils

Published March 14th, 2020

by Tammera J. Karr

The history of essential oils is intertwined with the history of herbal medicine; in most ancient cultures, people believed plants to be magical, and for thousands of years herbs were used as much for ritual as they were for medicine and food. In the modern world, science is exploring the medicinal [...]

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Water ~ it is what you can’t see that may damage your health

Published April 10th, 2019

By Tammera J. Karr, PhD

How much time have you spent thinking about water?

If you are a rancher, farmer or avid gardener, odds are more than the average person. As I drove down the North Umpqua following several days of down pouring rain on snow, I thought about the milk chocolate water and gave [...]

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Published January 15th, 2019

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD

In today’s medical world we have clients daily being exposed to highly contagious flesh-eating bacteria. Most antibiotics have little or no effect and clients battle for their lives. Silver was known to the Caldeans as early as 4,000 B.C. Over the passage of time, silver has been used for numerous [...]

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Citrus an Imported Fall Food

Published December 11th, 2018

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD

Many of us grew up with citrus foods being part of the holiday season. I remember not only getting tangerines, pomegranates, and oranges in my stocking but also nuts in their original packaging. Today we wouldn’t dream of putting nuts in their shells and a hammer in the hands of [...]

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Parsley – More than a pretty garnish

Published September 16th, 2018

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD

Many of us grew up seeing parsley as the attractive green garnish on dinner plates. The vibrant taste and wonderful healing properties of parsley are often ignored in its popular role as a table garnish.  Parsley is so much more than a pretty garnish or filler plant in the garden. [...]

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Eating Foods by the Season for Health

Published August 10th, 2018

By Tammera J. Karr, PhD.

Cultures throughout the ages have celebrated the return of spring after a long, harsh winter by eating the first new greens available. Native Americans took advantage of fresh, wild plants to supplement their winter diets of dried foods; foraging in woodlands or near streams could bring in an entire meal [...]

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Eating Spring Foods ~ Asparagus

Published May 15th, 2018

By Tammera J. Karr, PhD.

With spring weather comes seasonal foods like asparagus. This is one of those foods harvested from fields and meadows across Greece to Ireland, providing critical food-based nutrients for many with methylation challenges. Today we are learning more about the MTFHR gene that approximately 40% of the nation’s population. [...]

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