Inflammatory Illnesses

Are the “What If’s” fueling your stress

Published October 14th, 2016

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD

August brought to a close 15 years of working in a clinical office location in my closest town. To get to this office, I traveled 120 miles round-trip three days a week, through all four seasons. More than once the highway was closed due to forest fires, high water, rock [...]

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Fermenting Adventures in an RV

Published October 7th, 2016

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD

Recently my husband and I decided late summer was a good time to learn how to ferment drinks and vegetables. A little background: Naturally fermented beverage products called Kombucha, Ginger Beer, and water Kefir are all the rage. Even general purpose markets are now carrying some form of fermented drink. [...]

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To Can or Not? A look at home canning, freezing and fermenting foods

Published September 30th, 2016

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD

Few things get your tongue’s attention faster than where sweet and tart meet in the heart of a ripe peach, or that zest in the seasoned grilled zucchini that came from your garden.  Those generous squash or tomato plants that keep on giving have left many folks googling recipes.  But [...]

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Stepping Into The Hornets Nest – Elder Care part 4

Published July 17th, 2016

By Tammera J Karr, Ph.D., FAAIM, BCIH, BCHN   ©2016

Many of you may have childhood stories like my husband and father of baldfaced hornet encounters.  When these stories are being told, there is always someone who steps in the nest first who walked away relatively unscathed, while others are repeatedly stung and attacked.

Dealing [...]

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Kidneys – they don’t need to roll any stones

Published March 22nd, 2016

by Tammera J Karr, PhD, BCHN, BCIH

Over the years, the one health challenge that motivates the most to implement immediate dietary changes is kidney stones. No one wants to live through the pain of passing stones a second time.

While many have experienced the pain of kidney stones, some may not realize the potential [...]

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Plantain Weed for Health

Published June 8th, 2015

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD

Plantain is a persistent weed in gardens, on lawns and even in driveway cracks in the Pacific Northwest. But plantain is one of the most medicinally powerful “nuisance” plants in gardens and yards not being taking advantage of for health, perhaps to our detriment. The green leaves and small, stalk-like [...]

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Pro-biotics to the Rescue

Published January 12th, 2015

by Tammera J. Karr, PhD

There is confusion over what is a probiotic versus an enzyme, and what are prebiotics.  These are questions I answer on a regular basis and for the general consumer, the confusion often persists due to advertising language.

“The Immune System comprises all structures and processes that are involved in defeating [...]

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NSAID’S a cautionary tale

Published May 9th, 2014

Millions of Americans routinely take over the counter medications known as NSAIDs which stands for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). These anti-inflammatory medications come under the brand and generic names;

Ibuprofen (e.g. brand names Advil, Motrin, Nuprin)

Naproxen (e.g. brand names Aleve, Naprosyn)

COX-2 inhibitors (e.g. brand name Celebrex)

NSAIDs comprise a large class of drugs [...]

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Enzymes – the Key to Health

Published September 13th, 2009

Enzymes – the Key to Health

By Tammera J. Karr, MSHN, CNC, CNW, CNH  2009©

Part II

No matter what you eat, grilled T-bone steak and Idaho potatoes, cake with whipped cream or fresh green vegetables like radishes, we consume nothing more and nothing less than proteins, carbohydrates and fat’s.

In order to convert [...]

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