HN4U Blog
It is beginning to smell a lot like Christmas
Published December 24th, 2016
by Tammera J. Karr, PhD
One of the magical things about this time of year are the smells – cinnamon, cardamon, nutmeg, clove, allspice, ginger, fruit fillings and festive colors swirled around on cookies. Many of these powerful aromas stimulate memories and affect brain chemistry in positive ways.
All of these spices that add to [...]
When Stress Comes a Knocking
Published December 22nd, 2016
by Tammera J. Karr, PhD
Well, the holiday season is here, and yes, I say Holiday because there are over 29 holidays between now and the first week of January depending on if you are Jewish, Christian or anyone else. As many of you read this, the hustle and bustle of preparing for Thanksgiving will [...]
Are the “What If’s” fueling your stress
Published October 14th, 2016
by Tammera J. Karr, PhD
August brought to a close 15 years of working in a clinical office location in my closest town. To get to this office, I traveled 120 miles round-trip three days a week, through all four seasons. More than once the highway was closed due to forest fires, high water, rock [...]
Fermenting Adventures in an RV
Published October 7th, 2016
by Tammera J. Karr, PhD
Recently my husband and I decided late summer was a good time to learn how to ferment drinks and vegetables. A little background: Naturally fermented beverage products called Kombucha, Ginger Beer, and water Kefir are all the rage. Even general purpose markets are now carrying some form of fermented drink. [...]
To Can or Not? A look at home canning, freezing and fermenting foods
Published September 30th, 2016
by Tammera J. Karr, PhD
Few things get your tongue’s attention faster than where sweet and tart meet in the heart of a ripe peach, or that zest in the seasoned grilled zucchini that came from your garden. Those generous squash or tomato plants that keep on giving have left many folks googling recipes. But [...]
Stepping Into The Hornets Nest – Elder Care part 4
Published July 17th, 2016
By Tammera J Karr, Ph.D., FAAIM, BCIH, BCHN ©2016
Many of you may have childhood stories like my husband and father of baldfaced hornet encounters. When these stories are being told, there is always someone who steps in the nest first who walked away relatively unscathed, while others are repeatedly stung and attacked.
Dealing [...]
Watermelon & Summer a perfect fit
Published July 1st, 2016
by Tammera J. Karr, PhD, BCHN, BCIH
Summer and watermelon are inseparable for me, as a kid riding in the truck with my dad, we would drive by fields in North Eastern Oregon with ripe watermelons. I do not think we ever went to a picnic, camping or a potluck that didn’t have [...]
Elder Care – none of this was in the owners manual!
Published June 27th, 2016
Part Three
We have had numerous road trips to central California since March 2016 to help elder family members. But in May, we brought the Aunt and Uncle home with us. During this time, our focus has been on their needs and helping them regain some of their mental and physical strength. The care of [...]
Elder Care – Nutrition, Sleep and God’s Grace
Published June 20th, 2016
Part Two
by Tammera J. Karr, PhD, BCHN, BCIH
Two years ago, we said yes to an elderly family member when they asked if we would help them when the time came. We knew from past experience that this could mean trying times for both our elder family members and us, some of you [...]
Elder Care – before you say yes
Published June 13th, 2016
by Tammera J. Karr, PhD, BCHN, BCIH
Part One
Life is ever changing, and with it are unexpected surprises and challenges. This spring has reminded me of this, as an elderly Aunt and Uncle have moved back to the west coast and have been needing help getting settled. This event has reminded me of the [...]