Alternative Perspective
Editorial – Defeating the Storm
For almost two decades I have proudly been a Holistic Nutritionist. In the early days, it never occurred to me, that I would need a professional organization, let alone organization dedicated to educating and protecting, my right to practice, and yours to use Holistic Nutrition (food, herbs, and nutrients….) for health.
In the late summer of 2018, I shared with an attorney; I believed food and nutrition, and the sharing of information on these topics an inalienable right. A right that predates any government or licensing bodies.
To my dismay, the attorney said freedom of choice for food and health had no rights or allowances in the constitution and was not deemed an inalienable right of citizenship.
The attorney went on to say: While we have the right to the freedom of speech, and can write on the topic of food as medicine, it is not viewed as an inalienable right to educate or practice with clients these ancient healing traditions and modalities.
I still inwardly rebel at those words, it is inconceivable to me that the one single ingredient necessary for life is also the one we have to fight the hardest to educate on in America – FOOD.
As individuals, we all have windmills we tilt at, that fire our blood and passion, some are essential others distractions, diverting our attention away from the real war. When it comes to Natural Health, Holistic Nursing, Functional and Holistic Nutrition, I can not stress enough, the importance of being united in keep draconian legislation and restrictions on nutrition education and practice from happening. We can be a kaleidoscope of unique modalities, helping clients, family members and ourselves, only if we come together as a cohesive, unified voice, demanding the freedom to practice.
I am very proud of the work being done by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals and the Council of Holistic Health Educators – – the voice of one is lost in the lightest breeze, the voice of many can call a ship home safely through a storm. We are facing a storm in many areas of America, where the freedom to educate and practice the modalities of nutrition and natural health are threatened by special internists, not public safety.
Together we can change the storm into a safe harbor.
Please read this thought-provoking and challenging editorial from NANP President Miriam Grumet Zacharias, I hope it ignites a fire and passion in you as it has me.
To Traditional Foods, Health, and Freedom to Choose
Tammera Karr, Ph.D., BSHN™
Founder of Holistic Nutrition for the Whole You